Sometimes you would need to share a file or a folder with another user and you would find it not so easy to do so, more and more if you or the other user doesn’t have a password for your account.
By default, in Windows 7, in order to share a folder, you would need that the Source PC being shared has a password and the Source PC owner would need to give you his password. There are two options to overcome this situation.
Solution One
The source PC owner must set his own password and when requested for PC credentials, you would need to enter the following:
Username: Source_PC_ComputerNameSource_PC_UserName
Password: Source_PC_UserPassword
Solution Two
Or else you can:
- Go to Network and Sharing Center
- click Change advanced sharing settings from the left
- find the Password Protected Sharing option
- and select the following:
- Turn off password protected sharing
You should now be able to share files easily